Monday 8 May 2017

FMP - Image Interpretation

FMP - Image Interpretation

For my image interpretation I chose to do Banksy's Girl and Balloon art piece. I chose to use Banksy because he tackles social issues within his art and for my final major project I am also trying to tackle a social issue. I chose to do Girl and Balloon because I think its one of his my known works and I knew I could change it up and make it my own.

This is my final image interpretation, it depicts an elderly man trying to catch a clock as its flying away from him, simillar to the saying "time flies". I think this is poignant and links to my work as it shows how the elderly feels like they're being forgotten by time as well as society. 

Overall I found it quite difficult to produce this piece the way I wanted it as it's very difficult to recreate with different materials but I think the message it still there and I hope that it's strong. 

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