Monday, 26 June 2017

FMP - Evaluation

FMP - Evaluation

At the beginning of the Final Major Project, I was unsure of what subject inspired me so I decided to
Final Piece Image 1
look at issues that I have faced and also seen members of my family face. I, myself have dealt with feelings of loneliness, the feeling of being an outcast. We live in a world of 7.5 billion people, yet it is so easy to feel like you're all alone. Why is this? And who is affected most by this debilitating mental struggle? This lead me into looking at my family, I immediately thought of my Grandma. She lives in a 1 bedroom bungalow with her dog Milly. I know from conversations that she often feels alone which has sadly led to her having depression. From this, I decided to focus my project on shining a light on those who have become an afterthought for so many in this 7.5 billion society.

Final Piece Image 2
Final Piece Image 3
Within my final piece, I wanted to show how lonely elderly people feel as though time is constantly on their mind due to it feeling like it's flying away. I did this by portraying an elderly woman, alone, miserable and in the complete darkness of life having time held over her head by an almost god-like symbol. I wrestled with the idea of time flying away and how to show this tastefully, at first I was going to put wings on the clock but decided that was a bit too literal and I thought the wings would clash with the hands. Instead, I went for a more understated approach and painted a flying bird on the clock face. The palette I chose for my piece mainly consisted of darker, more monochromatic colours, I did this because of the darkness in the woman's emotions, there's no light for her anymore in her own head, all she can see is darkness. Also from an artistry point of view monochrome is almost like my style, I believe colour leads you to an emotion, whereas a black and white palette forces you to decide on the feelings and emotions in the piece. I chose to stay withing my comfort zone with this piece, I decided to use acrylic paint on a canvas and also paint a portrait, these are all things I was confident about being able to achieve to a standard I'd be happy with. I did this because the subject matter means so much to me, it's something I'm passionate about and it wouldn't have felt right to blindly stray into something knowing I couldn't give justice to the people that my piece reflects.

Lucy Fahey Illustration

Elderly Loneline Image Research
For my Final Major Project I got my inspiration from multiple sources, I firstly looked at informative research and collated some facts from elderly charities, one of these facts was, "two-fifths of all older people (about 3.9 million) say television is their main source of company." This shocked and saddened me that 3.9 million of the UK population felt as though TV was the only thing they had for comfort, This also inspired me to want to highlight this subject. I then went to image research and found multiple images of elderly people looking lonely, this was the inspiration for doing a portrait on my final piece. Despite all these images, there was very little artwork relating to elderly loneliness, I only found Lucy Fahey who had created illustrations as part of a news article. These helped me pinpoint what I wanted to focus on in my final piece.
Experiment Hands Design.

An issue I've always struggled with in this course is time management and sadly this project is no different. I'm going to do everything in my power to change this in the future as I believe it will make me more productive and less stressed. Also, I believe that as an artist I could have done more experiments with more materials. I think that this is because failed or seemingly inadequate experiments always seem messy and unfinished to me which is something I'd change about myself. It is probably due to me chasing in pursuit of artistic perfection and never quite being able to grasp it. This project has really been a passion project for me, I have been given the opportunity to research, experiment and create under a subject that I'm passionate about and that has brought me great happiness for which I'm eternally grateful.

Megan Chilcott

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