Thursday 19 November 2015

Contextual Studies

Contextual Studies

Monet 1872.
Impressionist, picture of the Thames. Tube of paints had just been created- revolutionary. Monet tried to capture light- he did this using texture which was very new. Critics reviewed the work as horrific, terrible, laughable and patchy. 100 years later Impressionism is ingrained in our society.

Hugo Boss Nazi Uniform 1933.
Hugo Boss felt as though the The Nazis rally's and togetherness was inspiring and fantastic. Boss used the uniforms to draw people in. Hugo Boss used forced labor to create these Uniforms in 1933. When asked about it Boss said it was his artist impression of Nazism.

North Korea ready to defend themselves against the US October 2015.
Falsified propaganda of Korean soldiers coming together to defend themselves- made via video techniques and Photoshopping. Military green and scarlet red outfits represent the colours of Korea- shows support and propaganda. Shows influence.

Bob and Roberta Smith- Letter to Michael Gove July 2011.
Complaining about the schooling system in England. Decided he would campaign against Gove in the election- he wanted to engage with people. -"All Schools should be Art Schools"

Alexander McQueen's show 2001
Memorable show. Kate Moss and Erin O'Connor were models. Many mirrors to show confusion in a big clear box. Lights went low and box revealed McQueen's human impression of a butterfly. Where art and fashion meet. Experimental and theatrical outfits- innovative clothes that show stories about his show.

Megan Chilcott

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