Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Greenwashing Task


Greenwashing is the practice of making an unsubstantiated or misleading claim about the environmental benefits of a product, service, technology or company practice. Greenwashing can make a company appear to be more environmentally friendly than it really is.

Fur Council of Canada- 
Uses subdued pure colours and contrasting that with a bold and vivid green title of 'eco-fashion' this gives the impression that what they're advertising is pure and natural which is wrong as skinning/killing animals is done in a very inhumane way.

Apple's ad campaigns make it clear that products such as the iPad are useful for ''smart'' eco-friendly users, the use of their logo gives a feel of a love of nature, yet their inability of correctly advertising their product with having a built in battery was them greenwashing the iPad. 3.27 million were sold before they were even distributed to shops meaning 3,27 million iPads were sold to people who were mislead by Apple's greenwashing.

In BP's advertising it uses warm, natural colours to show nature, sunshine and sea yet what they actually do is anything but natural and due to negligence it lead to the worse oil spill in American history and killed hundreds of animals.

In my opinion using animals to find a cure for lung cancer has its obvious benefits but I believe that it needs to be in the most humane way possible in order for the animals to be respected in the way that they deserve.

Megan Chilcott

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